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What is energy consulting? What it is and why is it worth using it?

Today, managing energy costs is becoming one of the key aspects of business. High electricity and gas prices, dynamic changes in commodity markets and increasing energy efficiency requirements make it necessary for companies to pay special attention to the way they use energy.
 In this context, energy consulting, which helps companies optimize energy consumption and minimize the costs associated with the purchase of electricity and gas, is becoming increasingly important. We are very pleased to hear that in Poland, one of the leading companies in this field is Enerace - a specialist in energy procurement consulting for companies.

Comprehensive energy consulting for companies - What does it consist of?

Energy consulting is a wide-ranging service that includes analysis, planning, optimization of energy consumption and prices in a company. The main goals of energy consulting are to minimize energy-related costs and improve energy efficiency, which can result in both financial savings and environmental benefits for the company.


Enerace specializes in energy procurement consulting for companies, offering comprehensive services that help companies achieve significant savings and improve operational efficiency.


Professional energy consulting for companies takes into account various aspects, such as:

Optimizing the energy purchasing model

Adjusting a company's energy purchasing model is strategically one of the most important aspects of good consulting. With a correctly created and implemented long-term energy procurement strategy, a company can grow and ensure its competitiveness and profitability.

Advice on the selection of an offer for the purchase of electricity and gas (energy tendering process)

Assistance in negotiating and selecting the most favorable offers on the market (or finding the best deals on the market when it comes to the c/v model of PPA (Power Purchase Agreement) or GoO (Guarantees of Origin)).

Energy cost analysis

Identification of potential savings related to optimization of tariff group, contracted power, cost reduction on reactive energy.

Planning and implementation of environmental solutions.

Proposals for zero-carbon measures through analysis and implementation of energy portfolio greening solutions (GoO, c/vPPA, on-site PPA, auto-generation, etc.)

Access to an energy procurement platform

Electricity and natural gas purchasing tools help make quick and efficient purchasing decisions, give information on market price levels, key cost components, and track savings to market and to budget.

The role of an energy procurement consultant in business

An energy procurement consultant is a specialist who analyzes and optimizes a company's energy prices. His task is not only to identify areas where savings can be made, but also to coordinate activities related to the implementation and monitoring of the energy procurement strategy or activities aimed at meeting climate goals.


Working with an energy consultant can bring a number of benefits to a company, such as:


  • Reduction of costs for energy: By appropriately identifying purchasing moments (“buy”, “don't buy”) resulting from market observation and implemented strategy.
  • Access to market price analysis: access to forward price analysis of current and historical energy products, i.e. electricity, natural gas, CO2, oil, coal, etc.
  • Access to market knowledge: up-to-date with the most important information, fundamentals when it comes to energy and commodity price changes.
  • Support in energy and gas purchases: An energy consultant analyzes the various purchasing models and offers available on the market and helps the company select the most favorable ones that fit into the correct execution of the purchasing strategy.


At Enerace, we employ experienced energy consultants capable of effectively analyzing companies' energy needs and advising on the best solutions.

Energy and gas procurement consulting

One of Enerace's key areas of activity is comprehensive energy and gas procurement consulting. Prices in energy markets are constantly fluctuating, which can have a direct impact on companies' budgets and competitiveness. Therefore, it is important that purchases of electricity, gas or GoO certificates of origin are made in an informed and strategic manner.


Electricity and gas procurement consulting offered by Enerace includes:


Pillar I: Energy procurement consulting


  • Market monitoring: Regular analysis of energy markets, which allows us to identify the most favorable times to purchase energy and gas.
  • Negotiating with suppliers: Enerace consultants negotiate with energy and gas suppliers on behalf of the client. Energy tendering allows the company to obtain the right contractual terms for the company and relieves the client of the process.
  • Bid analysis: A thorough analysis of supplier bids, taking into account not only prices, but also other contract terms, such as flexibility to purchase different products in the market, delivery tolerances or additional services such as environmental. Enerace uses a proprietary tool to compare and analyze offers available to customers on the platform.


Pillar II: - a proprietary Web and Mobile solution to support purchasing decisions


  • Price and contract management: Enerace consultants help manage energy and gas supply contracts, ensuring that they are in line with the company's current needs and that the terms can be renegotiated if necessary through the use of the proprietary platform.
  • Purchase alerts: consultants communicate with customers via phone, sms, Whatsapp, email, while's Mobile Application generates push messages to the phone, and the Web Application sends an email in case of a purchase signal, the occurrence of a certain price level in the market.


Thanks to such services, companies can better manage the risks associated with energy and gas purchases and ensure their cost stability over the long term.

Purchase of electricity and gas - best practices?

Purchasing electricity and gas is one of the most important tasks in managing a company, especially for energy-intensive businesses. The process can be complicated, as it requires not only an analysis of vendor offers, but also an understanding of market mechanisms and consideration of the company's specific needs. Energy prices are highly volatile and can be affected by many factors, such as supply/demand, the geopolitical situation, weather conditions or global market trends.


Enerace offers its clients comprehensive energy purchasing advice, which includes, but is not limited to:


  • Creating a long-term strategy for the purchase of electricity and natural gas: Through a workshop with the client, we learn about the impact of the cost of energy on the client's business. A document is created - a roadmap for appropriate energy purchases at all times in the future.
  • Energy consumption analysis: Before making energy purchases, Enerace conducts a detailed analysis of the company's energy consumption profile.
  • Negotiations with suppliers: Enerace represents the client in negotiations with energy suppliers, aiming to obtain the best possible price and non-price terms in line with the client's individual energy procurement strategy.
  • Market monitoring: the energy market needs to be constantly monitored. With access to real-time prices and “alerts” functionality, price opportunities do not pass unnoticed. We support you in deciding whether a given price signal should be considered a buying opportunity in the customer's current situation or whether it is still worth waiting to buy. The application is a professional ideal tool for monitoring prices and the customer's purchasing position.


With this approach, companies can not only save on electricity and natural gas purchase costs, but also gain confidence that their purchasing model and contracts are aligned with real needs and provide flexibility in case of market changes.

Why choose Enerace?

Choosing the right energy consulting partner is key to achieving optimal results. With more than 16 years of experience in energy procurement for large companies and a proprietary tool called, Enerace can provide services to the most demanding energy consumers.
Author: Bartosz Palusinski - Energy Procurement Consultant


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