If your answer to any of the questions below is "I don't know", - don't hesitate to contact us to find out the answer!
Contract negotiations
- Do you know how to quickly and effectively negotiate a contract with an electricity or gas seller?
- Do you know whether the tranche model, fixed price model or spot model is best for you and what to pay attention to when negotiating?
- How to choose the optimal offer that best suits your strategy?
- How to choose the right vendor while limiting the risk of losing the already established price?
- Do you know how to effectively negotiate and properly compare c/v PPA, guarantee of origin (GoO) or self-production offers?
Risk management
- Do you know when and how to buy energy to take advantage of price bargains?
- Do you already have your short- and long-term energy buying strategy?
- Do you know what to pay attention to when setting it?
- What tools do you have at your disposal to implement it and check its validity?
- Do you know how to convince management to implement your energy purchasing strategy?
Data management
- Do you know your energy costs and what their structure is?
- How quickly do you compare and analyze different market data from multiple countries?
- Do you monitor your energy prices against your budget and the market on a daily basis?
- How is your fundamental analysis and do you follow markets around the world on a daily basis?
Get in touch

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