
News_04_Conference In Czeladz

Bartek at the "Effective Energy Management" conference in Czeladź

Bartek participated in the inspiring conference on Effective Energy Management in Czeladź. Learn about the topics in the field of energy that were widely discussed.
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News_03_5 Year Aniversary

We Celebrate 5 Wonderful Years of Supporting Energy Decisions

We recently celebrated a significant milestone in our journey - our 5th anniversary! 🎉 It's time to share our story, achievements, and express heartfelt thanks to all who have been part of this incredible adventure.
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News_02_Enerace Italian Business Talks

Enerace at the Italian Chamber Business Talks

During the Italian Chamber Business Talks, our expert Bartosz Palusiński presented a presentation titled "Buying energy in challenging times: risks and opportunities", analyzing the current geopolitical situation and the risks and opportunities associated with energy procurement, emphasizing the importance of the right strategy.
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News_01_New Year New Opportunities

New Year, New Opportunities – Discover Our Newsletter! 🎉

Our monthly newsletter is a window to the world of energy consultancy, delivering the latest information from the energy market. We provide carefully curated content, key trends, market analyses, and valuable tips for your business. Subscribe today and stay up to date with the latest developments in the energy sector!
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